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“Judicial Ethics and Independence: Are they threatened by social networks or political influence?”, General Reporter, 23 Meeting of European Labour Court Judges, (ILO Website), (2015).
with Mervyn Gotsman, "Under What Circumstances Can an Acute Myocardial Infarction be regarded as a Work-related Accident? Multi-causal Diseases as Work Accidents", 1 International [internet] Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation, (Curin Business School Curtin University of Technology, Perth Australia), 21 (2009).
"Further Reasons for the NLRB's Inability to Guarantee American Workers the Freedom to Organize and Bargain Collectively: Comment on autonomous and Politicized: the NLRB's Uncertain Future", 26 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, (University of Illinois College of Law), 261 (2005).
"Coping with Globalization from the Inside: Is there hope?", "Employee Involvement in a Globalising World - Liber Amicorum Manfred Weiss", (BMV-Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag) 427-438. (2005).
“Legal Aspects of Work-Related Mental Illness and Disorder”, with Renee Atlas, 41 Israel Journal of Psychiatry” (Israel Psychiatric Association) (277-286 (2004).
"The role of Judges in the Implementation of Social Policies", The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, (Kluwer Law International) 341 – 376 (2002).
“National Labour Law Profile: The State of Israel”, assistance by Prof. Ariel Avgar, (ILO -International Labor Organization website: Advancing social justice, promoting decent work), 2002.
“Expanding the Scope of Employment Law”, Labour Law, Human Rights and Social Justice, Liber Amicorum in Honour of Ruth Ben-Israel, (Kluwer Law International) 41 (Roger Blanpain editor), 41-50 (2001).
Co-editor with Terrance Sullivan, special issue of the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry: “Work, Stress and Disability in the New Millennium”, (Pergamon) volume 22, issues 5 & 6, (1999).
“Work Stress and Disability”, with Terrance Sullivan, 417-424.
“Workers’ Compensation and Psychiatric Injury Definition”, 603-616. -
"Should Work Injuries and Non-work Injuries be Compensated Differently?" International Examinations of Medical-Legal Aspects of Work Injuries, (The Scarecrow Press) (Elizabeth Yates and John F. Burton, Jr. editors), 1-17, (1998).
“Achieving Social Security Rights: a comparative study of Workers’ Compensation in the United States, Germany and Israel”, Medizinisch-rechtliche Aspekte von Arbeitsunfallen, (HVBG) book III, 33-60. 1997.
“The Situation of Workers in the Case of Illness”, Topics in Israeli Labour Law, (Goldberg and Raday, editors), (publisher unknown) 247 (1995).
“The Role and Use of International and European Labour Standards in Labour Court decisions - Israel report”, International and European Labour Standards in Labour Court Decisions, and Jurisprudence on Sex Discrimination, (ILO) (Bronstein and Thomas, ed), 29-36 (1995).
“Remedies and Sanctions in Industrial Disputes - Israel Report”, Remedies and Sanctions in Industrial Action: Preliminary Relief, (ILO) 29-34, (1995).
“The Israel Labour Courts in their Third Decade”, Yearbook of Polish Labour Law and Social Policy, (The Jagiellonian University Press) 59-78 (1994).
“The Role of the Israeli Labour Courts in the Settlement of Collective Disputes”, International Conference - Concepts of Justice in Labour Law and Relations, (ILO) (1994).
“Court Appointed Expert Medical Advisors”, Medical-Legal Aspects of Work Injuries, (Adler, Goldberg, Gotsman, ed), (A Multi-Science Publication) 287-294, (1994).
“Pre-employment Medical Examination of a Candidate”, with Prof Hadara Bar-Mor, Medical-Legal Aspects of Work Injuries, (A Multi-Science Publication (259-264 (1994).
“Labour Courts and Industrial Action - Israel Report”, European Labour Courts: Current Issues (ILO). 31-36, (1993).
“Internal Organization and Functioning of Labour Courts - Israel Report”, European Labour Courts: Current Issues” (ILO), 22-27, (1989).
“Medical evidence in the Israeli Labour Courts: Court Appointed Medical Advisors”, Hospital Law, (Springer-Verlag) (Carmi and Schneider ed), 212-218, (1988).
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[1] "Die Zukunft von Israels Arbeitsgerichten, Recht der Arbeit, (Bund-Verlag) 441 – 443 (2004).
“Systeme der sozialen Sicherung: Eine vergleichende Studie zur Arbeitnehmer – Unfallversicherung in den Vereingten Staaten, Deutschland und Israel (DieBG) 716-732 (2000).
“Die Arbeisgerichtsbarkeit in Israel, Rect der Arbeit (C.H. Beck’sche Verlag...) 313 (October 1970).
"Principios De Los Procesos Legales En Israel", Congreso Internacional de Derecho Del Travajo y de la Seguridad Social, (Supreme Court of Venezuela - Venezuela Tribunal Supremo de Justicia), 205-228 (2002).